
Since the beginning of the summer I have been trying to find a job. I have literally applied to over twenty different places. Out of all of the I only got two interview. Thankfully, one of them went through because I finally found a job. I am now employed at McDonald’s. It is not the ideal job but it is a good first job. I feel like I did not get hired any where else because I do not have a lot of work experience. This made me a lot more excited that I got my job. At my interview, I was the last one so I found out right away that I got the job. I could not wait to start. The next week, I had orientation. That was on a friday and then my first day of training was monday. There are five days of training before you can start working by yourself. Training was terrible. Once you clock in, you have to watch a few training videos before you start. Then you go out to the front and start working. The first two days of training, you are on front counter working the register. Then, the next two days are handout. That is when you are at the window handing out the food to the cars in the drive thru. The last day of training, you are working the fryer making fries. It is very stressful and a lot to take in when you are new. It was especially stressful for me because it is my first job and I am new to the working world. After training was over, I had the hang of things. I was super excited to start working on my own without a trainer breathing down my neck. I was also excited because I could get more hours. That means more money which means more happiness. Even though training is over, it is still difficult at times. I get worked up sometimes and I get mad at myself. I just have to keep reminding myself that I am new and I will get better with time. I worked today, and it started terribly but it got better. In the morning, I was pouring coffee that just came out of the brewer and I spilled it on my hands and burnt the back of my hands pretty bad. We were also really busy all day so it was pretty stressful. It was also bad because they did not schedule my break at the same time as anyone else so I had to sit in the crew room all by myself. It was awkward because there was another new kid watching videos right next to the table. After my break it got better though. It was still packed basically all day but I did not injure myself anymore which is good. I was just glad when my shift was over. It was not my day and I just wanted it to be over with.

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